How to manage content library in signagemint?

How to manage content library in signagemint?

The Content Library allows users to manage various media types for use in presentations, digital signage, or other media-centric applications. Below is a detailed explanation of each media type and the available functionalities. 

1. Video

  • Features:

    1. Add, edit, delete, and download video files.

    2. Duration: Automatically calculated based on the uploaded video file.

    3. Notes: Add notes or descriptions for the video.

  • Steps:

    1. Upload a video file.

    2. The system calculates the duration.

    3. Optionally, add notes to describe the video's purpose or content.

2. Image

  • Features:

    1. Add, edit, delete, and download image files.

    2. Duration: Specify how many seconds the image should display on the screen.

    3. Notes: Add notes for additional context or information.

  • Steps:

    1. Upload an image file.

    2. Set the display duration in seconds.

    3. Optionally, add notes for better organization.

3. URL

  • Features:

    1. Add, edit, and delete URLs.

    2. Duration: Specify how many seconds the URL content (e.g., webpage) should display on the screen.

    3. Notes: Add notes for context or instructions.

  • Steps:

    1. Enter the URL.

    2. Set the display duration in seconds.

    3. Optionally, add notes for further details.

4. PDF

  • Features:

    1. Add, edit, delete, and download PDF files.

    2. Duration: Specify how many seconds the PDF content should display on the screen.

    3. Notes: Add notes to explain or provide context.

  • Steps:

    1. Upload a PDF file.

    2. Set the display duration in seconds.

    3. Optionally, add notes to describe the PDF.

5. Text

  • Features:

    1. Add, edit, and delete text content.

    2. Duration: Specify how many seconds the text should display on the screen.

    3. Notes: Add notes for additional explanation.

  • Steps:

    1. Enter the text content.

    2. Set the display duration in seconds.

    3. Optionally, add notes for further clarification.

6. YouTube

  • Features:

    1. Add, edit, and delete YouTube videos.

    2. Name: Enter a descriptive name for the video.

    3. URL: Provide the YouTube video link.

    4. Duration: Automatically calculated based on the provided URL.

  • Steps:

    1. Enter the YouTube URL.

    2. The system fetches the video duration.

    3. Optionally, add a descriptive name for easier identification.

7. Google Slides

  • Features:

    1. Add, edit, and delete Google Slide presentations.

    2. Name: Enter a descriptive name for the presentation.

    3. URL: Provide the public URL of the Google Slides.

    4. Page Count: Automatically calculated based on the presentation.

    5. Duration per Slide: Set the duration for each slide (in seconds).

    6. Total Duration: Automatically calculated by multiplying the page count and the duration per slide.

    7. Notes: Add notes for further clarification.

  • Requirements:

    1. Ensure the Google Slides are publicly accessible.

  • Steps:

    1. Enter the public URL for the slides.

    2. Set the duration per slide.

    3. The system calculates the total duration based on the number of slides.

    4. Optionally, add notes for context or instructions.

8. Live Stream

  • Features:

    1. Add, edit, and delete live stream URLs.

    2. Name: Enter a descriptive name for the stream.

    3. URL: Provide the live stream URL.

  • Steps:

    1. Enter the live stream URL.

    2. Optionally, add a descriptive name for the stream.

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