The Roles Module allows administrators to manage the different roles within the system. Roles define the level of access and permissions granted to users. The module enables administrators to add, edit, and delete roles, as well as manage role details including the role name, description, and the permissions associated with each role.
Role Name: A unique identifier for the role.
Description: A brief explanation of the role’s purpose or the duties it encompasses.
Permission List with Status: A list of permissions assigned to the role with status indicators showing whether each permission is active or inactive.
To add a new role, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Roles section from the main menu.
Click on the Add Role button.
Fill in the required fields:
Role Name: Enter a unique name for the role.
Description: Provide a brief description of the role.
Permissions: Select the permissions you want to assign to this role from the available list.
For each permission, set the status (active/inactive) according to the access requirements.
Once all fields are completed, click Save.
Role Name: Admin
Description: Full access to all system features.
Permissions: View Users (Active), Edit Users (Active), Delete Users (Inactive)
To edit an existing role, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Roles section from the main menu.
Locate the role you wish to edit from the list of existing roles.
Click the Edit button next to the role.
Update the fields as needed:
Role Name: Modify the name of the role if necessary.
Description: Change the description if the role’s duties have changed.
Permissions: Adjust the permissions assigned to the role. You can add new permissions or modify the status of existing ones.
Click Save to apply the changes.
To delete a role, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Roles section from the main menu.
Locate the role you wish to delete.
Click the Delete button next to the role.
You will be prompted with a confirmation message. Click Confirm to proceed with the deletion.
Important: Deleting a role will remove it permanently from the system and revoke any associated permissions for users assigned to that role.
For each role, permissions are assigned from a predefined list, and the status of each permission can be toggled between Active and Inactive.
Active: The user assigned this role will have access to the associated permission.
Inactive: The user will not have access to the permission, even if the role is assigned.
Add Permissions: Select new permissions from the available list and set their status to Active.
Modify Permissions: Toggle the status of existing permissions between Active and Inactive.
Remove Permissions: Uncheck permissions to remove them from the role’s list.